Locating the Huts Geographically
- Each of the hut pages on the website has a small map, which if clicked takes you to the relevant location on the www.topomap.co.nz website. Alternately, you can view the geographical location of all the huts using the By Map link.
Permolat Tracks not found on NZ Topo Map website
- Some of the tracks being maintained by Permolat are not marked on the NZ Topo maps but if you contact us, we can email you the relevant gpx file.

Special Note
- The remote hut zone is an extremely rugged alpine environment and the routes and tracks often rudimentary. High levels of fitness and experience, specific to this type of country, as well as good quality gear, are essential. We are getting increasing numbers of enquiries from folk, many of them from overseas, who don't have these prerequisites. Often because they've done a few of the great walks, (the Abel Tasman, Nelson Lakes, the Kepler) which are maintained to a much higher level, they now feel suitably qualified to tackle the remote hut zone. Forget it! While a few huts on this site are pretty easy to reach, most routes are moderate to very difficult. If you haven't been in this type of country before, get a guide, or go and try something a bit easier in order to build your skill level up. Your local DOC Information Centre will hopefully point you in the right direction. You may think this disclaimer doesn't apply to you because you have plenty of experience in the wilderness in your country of origin, but you'll still be lacking some specific skill sets that are unique to the NZ wilderness.